Food Pantry distributes food
Nancy Kopejtka, Atkinson City Clerk, is shown with the screens the City uses in monitoring the pool after hours.	Courtesy Photo
The City of Atkinson duplex is located at 202 and 204 E. Union St. The property will be managed by Central Nebraska Economic Development District. 	Courtesy photo
West Holt Girls' Golf Team
Can Care-A-Van helpers at the gazebo.
Area Junior High Rodeo competitors include James Drueke, Cort Buss, Owen Littau, Cale Buss, Grace Drueke, and Kinley Olson. Not pictured - Aubree Whitaker. 	Photo courtesy Sharlene Buss
Ju Ju Bean Coffee
Kendra Vanderbeek
Jamie and Dillon Jakubowski examine a spread sheet at Jack Wolf’s seed business. The Jakubowskis took over ownership of the business on August 1.	Photo by Lorraine Lieswald
West Holt School to begin year, COVID plan on website
Jesse Fridel in the center
Attendees at the West Holt Post Prom Party
Stuart Raceway results reported from July 26th races
Atkinson’s Pony team wins league title
ASCC Junior Golf League season ends
Graphic launches mobile app
District 74R at the 1964 Open House
Legion officers sworn in
Sunshine Girls visit again
Pony League starts the season