West Holt high school boys begin their run at the Boyd County Invite.
Hilja Haase
West Holt Homecoming Week begins Sunday
“The Tree Lady” knows her business
Samantha L. Sholes, M.D.
West Holt FFA members were the 2020 State Runner-up Ag Communications Team. Team members were Maci Nemetz, Jordyn Laible, Alexis Stracke, and Sadie Jarecke.
Teacher Holly Oligmueller in the newly created Little Paws Preschool room for three year olds. It is located in the agriculture building’s extra classroom.	Photo by Lorraine Lieswald
West Holt Junior High Cross Country Girls
West Holt Football kicked off the season August 28.
Shirley and Neal Garwood
Naper South Bridge flooding project bid let
Tim and Wayne Braun
Mill Race Park blooms with color
St. Joseph has  one new teacher
Gotschall is new West Holt teacher