In an effort to prepare the community for a time when the Wakefield Food Bank will not as able to get out and get food that is very much needed, it has prepared Crisis Emergency Bags. To receive a bag, stop by and one up. No questions asked. “With the kids home from school all day, we realize that there may be a need there that used to be filled with the schools providing meals during the day,” said Pastor Patti Meyer. “These bags contain everything from Mac ‘n Cheese, hot dogs, beans, soups and canned vegetables and fruit - if you need food, we have it for you.” The pickup area is on the north end of Salem Lutheran Church where the rock parking lot is located. “Food Pantry” is marked on the doors. “If someone is there, the in-side door is open but all you have to do is come to the door,” Meyer said. “Someone will bring the bag of food out to you.” The Food Bank will now be open on Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. There is no paperwork to fill out. Just stop by and pick up a bag if needed. “If there is someone you know that is in need but cannot get to the food pantry them-selves, come and pick it up for them,” Meyer said. “We are all in this together - and we need to help each other in times like these. If unable to pickup the bags on Saturday morning, call the office 402-287-2681 and arrange to come by during the office hours (9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday) and someone will meet you at the north doors. “If you know someone that is in need, call the office and let us know so we can figure out a way to get a bag to them,” Meyer said
Food Bank ready to disperse Crisis Emergency Bags
April 10, 2020