The Plainview City Council will hold its July public meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Plainview Public Library on Tuesday, July 12.
The meeting will be open to the public.
On the agenda as of Tuesday, July 5:
* Discussion/action on additional sales tax funding release for the Manor Fire Hood system;
* Reports from various department heads;
* Public hearing at 6:45 p.m. – special use permit construction of accessory building prior to principal building in Plainview College Addition Block 10, Lots 7-12.
* Public hearing at 7 p.m. – proposed ordinance to update and amend City Code & Zoning Regulations pertaining to Municipal Planning and Small Box Discount Stores.
* Discussion/action on appointment of interim Police Chief
* Discussion/action on approval of wage for interim Police Chief
* Discussion/action to advertise for Police Chief/Officer
* Discussion/action on Keno Grants: Social Center, $1,000, commercial mixer; American Legion, $2,500, trees in cemetery
* Discussion/action on Health Board recommendations on nuisance properties at 604 E Park Ave; 701 W Pilcher
* Discussion/action on interlocal agreement for Pierce County Dispatch
* Discussion/action on TexMyGov Mass messaging system
* Discussion/action on request bids for Street Improvement Projects 2021-1 through 2021-9
* Discussion/action on request bids for Lincoln Ave paving project 2022-1
* Discussion/action on Budget Workshop for FY 2022-23
* Discussion/action on proposed partnership between the Plainview Brunswick Community Fund and City of Plainview for potential ownership of future proposed community building.