Memorial Day Services were held in the Pirate Auditoirum on Monday, May 30 with keynote speaker Chaplain Major Chad Boggs, a number of musical performances and special guests.

The Plainview American Legion and its Auxiliary hosted the 2022 Memorial Day service last Monday, May 30 in the Pirate Auditorium at Plainview High School.

This year’s keynote speaker was Chaplain Major Chad Boggs of Tilden, who reminded those in attendance about the numerous days each year that America’s military men and women can be recognized and honored, and then gave a message on 2 Timothy 4:7, encouraging some audience response in his three suggestions “fight the good fight, “finish the race” and “keep the faith.”

Plainview’s Representative to Girls’ State, Maggie Wortman, led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, Pastor Joan Alexander gave the invocation, and Wanda Retzlaff was pianist for the singing of the “National Anthem” by the audience, as well as a number of other songs during the ceremony.

Janyce Warneke, American Legion Auxiliary, gave a welcome, as did Corrine Janovec, American Legion Adjutant. Legion Commander Gene Thomsen introduced Boggs.
Musical selections were provided by Valerie Tarr and Pastor Joan Alexander, and Jon and Joni Buzzell placed the wreaths on behalf of the American Legion and Auxiliary. 
Commander Thomsen read the names of those Plainview and area veterans who gave their lives during their service: 
Joseph M. Acklie
Forrest Albin
Donald G. Bivens
Ellard F. Born
William R. Carpenter
Everett M. Casselman
Robert W. Couchman
Lloid R. Florer
Claire Fryer
Wesley W. Fulton
Willis C. Hass
Floyd M. Hansen
Gene R. Hecht
Lorenz F. Hoffart
Dwight Houston
Lorin C. Joyce
Elsworth L. Keil
Philip Luckert
Gene Manke
Wendell Miller
Gary Mullins
Edward D. Nelson
Leo E. Risse
Franklin W. Ritter
Kenneth Suhr
The American Legion Post 148 Honor Guard gave the firing squad salute, “Taps” was played by Brook D. Curtiss, and Pastor Alexander closed the ceremony with a benediction.

Chaplain Major Chad Boggs

Commander Gene Thomsen introduced Boggs

Valerie Tarr gave a music performance

Jon and Joni Buzzell performed the wreath placement