FCCLA mixed things up this year and hosted their Awards Night at 13/20 Bowling Alley on April 28.
The evening began with members bowling and then taking a break for awards recognition followed by brownies and ice cream.
Advisor Mrs. Jacobsen presented the STEP One Certificate to Maddox Davis, Weston Hoffman, Tesla Ickler, and Marque Albin. New members earned this award for learning more about FCCLA, its purposes, and programs.
Students competing in STAR events received their District STAR Competition Certificates. At districts, Shayla Jacobsen received a gold medal, and placed Runner-Up in her Repurpose and Redesign event, qualifying her for state. At state competition she received second place and qualified for nationals. Jacobsen was presented with her certificate, medal, and trophy.
Power of One Awards were presented to four members. Shayla Jacobsen and Brooke Forbes received certificates for completing the “Working on Working” Module. Receiving certificates for completing “A Better You” Module were Brooke Forbes, Marque Albin, and Weston Hoffman. Shayla Jacobsen received her certificate for completing “Speak Out for FCCLA”. They all will receive certificates from the district at the District Leadership Conference in October.
Members meeting the requirements to attend Summer Incentive Activity, based on chapter involvement, received their certificates. They were Jessica Booth, Baili Prewitt, Shayla Jacobsen, Brooke Forbes, Peace Akinnigbagbe, Weston Hoffman, Callie Pulis, Tesla Ickler, Makayla Shonebarger, Maddox Davis, and Marque Albin.
Advisor Ronita Jacobsen presented outstanding member awards. This year one member met the criteria for “Outstanding Member of the Year”. Shayla Jacobsen was presented a trophy for the work she did this year in the categories of Chapter Contribution, Community Involvement, and Personal Development.
Senior members, Jessica Booth, Peace Akinnigbagbe, and Makayla Shonebarger were then presented their senior gifts.
Members met again on Monday the 2nd in the FCS room to watch a video of the year’s activities and called donors for the upcoming blood drive to be held on May 18th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the high school.
Weston Hoffman and Marque Albin with their Step 1 Webquest awards.
Weston Hoffman, Shayla Jacobsen, Brooke Forbes and Marque Albin