The FCCLA Red Cross Blood Drive returns Wednesday, May 18th, at the high school from 9 am to 3 p.m.
As of this printing, masks will not be required. If a donor would like the staff to mask, the request will be honored. As the location of this drive has changed to the high school, appointments previously made may not be in the current system. If donors registered online, they are asked to check their donation time and location.
Appointments can be made by phoning sponsor Ronita Jacobsen at 402-841-4566 or the high school at (402) 582-4991. Appointments can also be made online at or by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App on your phone.
FCCLA Members will begin calling past donors for a donation time. Walk-ins are allowed if there is a current opening. Waiting for an opening while on site is not allowed.
Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with a completed parental permission form), meet height and weight requirements (at least 110 pounds based on height) and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. After testing positive for COVID-19, donors must wait 14 days before giving blood. Please bring a Red Cross blood donor card or other form of positive identification (driver’s license). To save donation time, please complete Rapid Pass before arriving. It can be found at or by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App on your phone.
There is no deferral time if donors have received an inactivated or RNA based COVID-19 vaccine such as Pfizer or Moderna. Donors will need to provide the manufacturer name when you come in to donate. Upon vaccination they should have received a card or printout indicating what COVID-19 vaccine was received. Eligible donors who are vaccinated with a replication defective virus COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca or Janssen/J&J must wait two weeks before giving blood. Eligible donors who do not know what type of COVID-19 vaccine they have received must wait four weeks before giving. Regardless of the type of vaccine received, all donors must be symptom free and feeling well at the time of donation.
The Red Cross has implemented additional precautions that donors will notice at the drive:
• hand sanitizer for use before the drive, as well as throughout the donation process
• social distancing between donors including entry, donation and refreshment areas
• routinely disinfecting surfaces, equipment and donor-touched areas
• food/drinks in the refreshment area must be single-serve, individually wrapped packages