Forget Your Economic Woes...
*Crosswords and Soduku
*Birthday Announcements
*Open Houses
*Card Showers
*Anniversary Announcements
*Local News from Brunskwick, Royal, and Pierce County
*Funeral Announcements
*Bowling Results
*Personal News Briefs
*Birth Announcements
*Ad, Logo, or Slogan Design
are all STILL FREE!!
And when you add that to our already LOW PRICED services:
*$6.00 per column inch advertising zz*$4.00 minimum classified charge (30 words)
*Competitive, quality commercial printing of "ANYTHING" you desire
*Advertisement placement out-of-town
*Office supply prices worth saving the trip out-of-town
it just makes sense to let us handle all your business advertising, promotion, and office needs!
Call today! 402-582-4921