The fundraiser planned to benefit the Boyer family has been moved to the alternate date, October 3, by organizers.
The event has been planned to give assistance to the Dean and Christi Boyer family, as Dean had recently been diagnosed with leukemia and started treatments last month.
The benefit includes a 4-person golf scramble with hole prizes and meal included in the registration at the Plainview Country Club. And also a split the pot raffle, music, a freewill offering meal and a silent auction. Added just this week will be two half hogs and one full hog with processing included in a live auction setting.
The silent auction, meal and music will be held at Keystone Bar following the golf tournament’s conclusion.
Those wishing to donate items for the raffle should contact Sherry Ristow at 402-640-3976 or Paul Gunning at 402-718-3571, or directly to the family at an account established at Midwest Bank in Plainview.