The J.E. Meuret Grain Company 100th anniversary celebration came off without a hitch in Brunswick last Saturday evening, June 24 with hundreds of family, friends, neighbors and employees in attendance.
The event was held just west of the J.E. Meuret Grain headquarters building, with folks parking and riding the trolley from the designated parking areas.
A special welcome tent helped visitors with name badges and handed out hats and visors emblazoned with the commemorative 100th anniversary information.
Family members said that there were between 900-1,000 people served for dinner and drinks, featuring the meal of a whole roast hog from “Heck’s BBQ” of Vermillion.
A giant 30’ x 60’ American flag was hanging on a grain bin, which served as the backdrop for “The Rocks” – the musical entertainment for the evening. The family plans to hang the flag on the outside edge of one of the bins, likely visible from the highway.
During a brief program, co-owners Pat Meuret and Jim Meuret, as well as former owner, Dick Meuret, each talked about the company’s successes, and thanked the customers, employees and family members who had helped the business reach 100 years. A fun addition was noted for context – Cornell University says only 3 percent of family-owned businesses survive to the 4th generation, and Meuret Grain is currently managed by its 3rd and 4th generation of the family.
"We are honored that so many people came to help us celebrate and hope everyone had as good of a time as we did,” said co-owner Pat Meuret. “Most family-owned businesses don't make it to the centennial mark and we know that we have our loyal customers and employees to thank in reaching this milestone. The wonderful people of Northeast Nebraska are truly the secret to our business's longevity."
J.E. Meuret management gather prior to serving their guests, (l to r): Pat, Matt,
Riley, John, Jim, Justin, James