December 20, 2020
From the DHHS
The first doses of the much anticipated COVID-19 vaccine arrived in Nebraska today. The State is expected to receive 4,875 doses of the Pfizer vaccine by the end...
December 16, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we feature Francis
Mueller, Sergeant First Class in the trenches along the DMZ on the front lines
in Korea fr...
December 9, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we feature James
P. Kohles, Airman First Class involved in electronic countermeasures during the
early days o...
November 24, 2020
By Pam Bergstrom
Nebraska Forest Service
"Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree! Where Did You Come From?” So, when the Christmas Trees start to go up, or ge...
November 21, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we honor LeRoy
Lockman, who served with Company B, 116 th Infantry during the D-Day
invasion of France.
November 17, 2020
Submitted Article
Over the past year, since Veterans Day 2019, the Journal has run a feature called, “Veteran Stories,” each week in these pages.
Mostly, these features...
November 16, 2020
NOTE: In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we honor Gerard “Jake” Van Heek, who served with the 160 th Infantry, 40 th Division in the Korean War from 19...
November 11, 2020
By: Jackie Steffen, Nebraska Extension Educator
Classes all across northeast Nebraska participated in Jumpstart’s Read for the Record program presented by Nebraska Extension Le...
November 8, 2020
The Crofton Senior center, normally the center of activity for many residents, has been closed to in-house meals and social activities since mid-October. Since manager Mary Sawat...
November 3, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we feature Ray
C. Avenell, who fought with the 61 st Infantry in World War I, and
was part of a daring river...
October 25, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we feature Norman
Kube, who served with the U.S. Fifth Air Force as a pilot during World War II.
Norman Ku...
October 20, 2020
In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,” this week we feature Loren
Dale Everton, who was commanding officer of the “Whistling Devils” Corsair
squadron during W...
October 20, 2020
St. Rose of Lima School hosted a Scholastic Book Fair Oct 1-7 in the parish Hall, earning just over $4,000 in new books for the preschool and grades 1-8 classrooms and the school ...
September 29, 2020
From the LCNRD
Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District will receive $132,425 from the Nebraska Environmental Trust for the “Bow Creek Watershed Project.”
The Trust Bo...
September 22, 2020
NOTE: In our ongoing series called, “Veteran Stories,”
this week we feature Walter “Walt” Wiebelhaus, who is probably best known
around Crofton for opening Wiebelhaus Recreati...
August 31, 2020
By: Nancy DeBlauw
Journal Staff
No doubt the national news everyone has been hearing in regard to changes in the US Postal Service has given us all one more reason to wo...
August 30, 2020
The 2020 Knox County Valuations were released by the Knox County Assessor this past week, marking about a 2 percent increase in overall property valuation for the residents.
August 25, 2020
The Wakefield City Council unanimously approved opening Graves Park to the Public including the bathrooms, playground equipment, and concession stand.
With football season loom...
August 24, 2020
Sophia Wortmann, from Lucky Livewires 4-H Club, Crofton explains the heritage, Standards of Perfection and poultry care information with the judge during the 4-H Poultry Show on S...
August 24, 2020
Beginning Division: Cecilia Wortmann of Crofton. She is the daughter of Chris and Holly and a member of the Lucky Livewires 4-H Club. The trophy was sponsored by Main Street T...