The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District announces tentative plans to conduct several prescribed burns at Gavins Point Project on the sandbars and islands in the upper Lewis and Clark Lake region between Niobrara and Santee, Nebraska over the next several weeks.
The burning activity will be carried out with personnel from both USACE and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
These prescribed burns will occur on heavily vegetated sandbars that had been treated with aquatic herbicide. The burning process will help to reduce and eliminate the invasive common reed, also known as Phragmites, in these select areas. Clearing these areas through burning will help provide nesting and foraging habitat for the threatened piping plover shorebird, as well as allow a greater variety of wetland plants to establish – a process that can be very beneficial to all wildlife.
Although recent weather conditions have precluded many burning activities, these proposed burn areas are on sandbars and islands that are surrounded by water. Additionally, there are large, barren sand areas adjacent to most of the burn areas. All precautions will be taken to ensure safe prescribed burning.
For more information, please contact Justin Scholl, Chief, Natural Resources, Gavins Point Project office, USACE, Omaha District at 402-667-2540.