Terrance J. Kaup, CMSgt
The West Holt FFA Conduct of Chapter Meetings was the District Runner-up and qualified for State. Members of the team are front, Samantha Coffin, Abby Mathis, Hadleigh Stracke, and Mary Bell Hamilton; back, Garrett Kaup, Sidney Burkinshaw, Carter Gotschall, and Ian Laetsch.
The Stuart 6th grade class in front of the new STEM cart and the models they made with items in the cart.
Bill and Carolyn Milner
Members of the 2021 Stuart Speech Team
Members of the West Holt Speech Team who competed at Valentine
The Stuart FFA Chapter claimed the District X Champion Sweepstakes honors at the conclusion of the 2021 Leadership Development Events Contest held in Ainsworth.
At the Elkhorn Meadows presentation were: Mady Kramer, Lisa Bilstein, Ann Kotrous (Manager at Elkhorn Meadows), Nicky Cadwallader, Beth Laible, and Jim Brennan.
Larry Ries and Jerry Winkler on the tractor that Ries restored. Photo courtesy Sheryl Winkler
West Holt wrestling coaches Andy Osborne, Brady Davis and Randy Schroeder.
VFW representative Frank Shefl is pictured with Patriot’s Pen winners Felycia Kerkman and Elizabeth Olson.
Atkinson Fire Department members
Stuart Girls' Basketball Team
Wettlaufer Garden Center is putting up a new building on East Highway 20.
Dr. John Tubbs
Louis Tushla’s tombstone at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Atkinson.
Nadine and Dwain Marcellus